Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chase and his random Cell Phone Pics.

Here are some cute pictures from my cell phone!!! I thought these would be cute to share!
Chase can give you all sorts of expressions!!!! I love him so much!

I dont think he wants his picture taken
but look how cute he looks with this
Hat on!!!

He Loves laying with daddy!

He knows he is funny! this is what he does when
I say CHEESE!!!!

HE likes mommys hat... and he is eating something

As you can see in the picture below he wants to show you

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hey Everyone... so I thought I would put this picture on here! HE is the cutiest baby boy ever!! When I have a bad day I just look at him or his pictures and he puts me in a better mood!!! So if anyone is having a bad day just look at this little stud!!! I think he is trying to pull off Elvis!! ha ha

Monday, January 19, 2009

happy 90th

Meadow looking innocent too.. she is a silent tornado!!!

Hendrix is always so serious..but he has the cutest little crooked smile when he does

The birthday girl! Aunt Glennis 90 years young! She is the funniest person you will ever meet!

Chase playing with the kids in the ball pen!!!! it was so fun to watch him interact with the other kids and play! He loved it so much!

Jason and Chase... isnt chase a mini Jason!!! These two are my boys!! I love them so much!

Happy 90th

So we went up to Kamas for Jasons Great Great Aunts 90th Birthday! We had so much fun. We got to see his Aunts and Uncle that live in California and we haven't seen them since we got married! I got some really cute pic of Chase and a few of our nieces and nephews! I wish I would have taken more but oh well!

My baby boy Chase!

There is a picture of The four Generations, Grandpa Bergen, Jasons Dad, Jason and Chase!

So innocent looking....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Little Man

I love this expression its like he is holding something back but he wants to tell you what it is so bad!!!

HE makes the funniest faces... there is always a different expression on this kids face!

He thinks he is so funny. he was laughing so hard he was crying you can actually see the tear in his eye!!!

He seriously has the cutest smile ever!!! I look at this picture and smile!!!

My Little man is getting so big! He just turned 10 months old! Its so crazy! He definantly has changed my life for the better! He is the funniest kid ever! He is very smart too its kinda scary! He is wanting to walk by himself so bad!! He scoots along the couch and stuff but doesnt dare do it by himself quite yet. I cant wait to see what he comes up with next!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our Family Pictures

So we had our family pictures done! I love them! Chase is so big in these! He is such a stud!

Hello Everyone!

Hey I justed wanted to say I am turning my photography blog into our family blog as well! So you will see some of my photography on here as well as our lives!!!! yay! Anyways... Can you believe the weather its awesome!!! I love seeing snow on the ground and the sun out and warm! Anyways I better get back to my baby boy I will blog some later! PEACE!