Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our Cruise!!!

So we finally went on our Cruise! FYI there is a alot of pictures... and I only could put up so many... And I believe they are out of order.. but oh well... It was sooo much fun.. I did miss Chase soo much though! but definantly a nice getaway....We flew down to Houston Texas, and then drove down to Galvaston... Waited in line for a about a hour maybe and then could aboard the ship! It is sooo amazing how big the ships are! and what they look like inside.. it felt like I was just in a huge hotel... they had some sort of shopping mall in the boat and all other goods! Our first stop was Cozumel Mexico, we went snorkeling so much fun! I wish we would have bought a underwater camera! I cannot beleive how BEAUTIFUL the fish are in the ocean! the next port was Georgtown Grand Cayman Islands, our excursion got cancelled so we didnt have anything really to do so we walked around, went and had lunch and then went back to the boat, such a beautiful place! Our last port was Montego Bay Jamiaca! We had so much fun there... we went to Negril Beach which is probably a hour away from our port (we didnt realized how far away it was) and went to Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville. It was an interesting place.. Definantly a party place! So we hung out on the beach all day! Then the last Two days was Cruising days so we hung out at the pool.. took tons of naps! hehe... but all in all it was a wonderful 7 days! we were sad when it came to an end. We meet some really cool people I somehow forgot to take my camera with us on the last night to get a picture of all of us, but our friends at the table took one so hopefully they will email it to me soon! Sorry this is such a long post! but enjoy the pics! This is us waiting in the long line to get onboard..

the boat!

so pretty!

us waiting for the plane to take off to Houston! ( it was really early!!!)

Negril Beach in Jamaica... it such a pretty place!

They had these two huge trampolines in the ocean... so much fun!

waiting for one of the shows to start on the ship...

the last night...

OUr waiter Mustafa, I wanted to take him home with us, he is soo cute!

One of the many towel animals we had each night...

we always have to do funny faces.. I know we are weird

some of our yummy food we got each night!!

mmmm.... dessert...

They have an excursion were they take you on a pirate encouter.. it looked really cool.. It was already full when we tried to book it...

Friday, January 15, 2010

A new kind of Hair conditioner???

So Chase apparently thinks vanilla pudding can be put in your hair.... He is now gettting to the point were he doesnt want my help with feeding him...(he thinks he is super big boy) anywho... he does really good feeding himself for the most part.. and when he eats all his food he knows he can have some sort of a dessert.. well we bought the pudding snacks and so I gave himone.. he wanted to feed himself of course so I let him... well.. .he got really quiet so I looked over..(and usually when he is quiet especailly eating he falls asleep in his highchair so that is what I thought happened.) oh no.... he decided that he wanted the vanilla pudding in his hair.. he was rubbing it allover... crazy kid... and he looks so darn cute so I cant get mad... anywho here is the pictures of his nice hair being mosturized with vanilla pudding.. enjoy!

see that face is just too innocent...
he thinks he is funny

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Great Book....must read....

So anyone out there who hasnt seen the previews yet to this movie...It is based on this book that the great Nicolas Sparks wrote.... This book is sooo good... and who doesnt want to picture Channing Tatum in a uniform... mmmmm.... Anyways... the book is not what I expected especially the ending... I cant wait for the movie to come out.. Im sure the movie will not be as good as the books cause really thats how it always is... (especially if you read my sisters keeper)
Anywho... this is such a good read.. .I finished it in 2 days..... couldnt put it down.... Okay I will stop rambeling now... now its your turn to go read it and tell me what you think.....