Monday, April 19, 2010

Before and After...

So I do admit.. I am embarrassed of the top picture... Chase's room is a disaster... it is the one room that seems to never get the best cleaned.. I have been craving to organize it better.. and so Sunday I just did.... we found the bookshelf at good ol Walmart for 15 bucks.. not bad... and so now we have a place to put his books and some toys... well about 1 hour and a half later I got it finished... I put away a huge bag full and 2 boxes of toys away... and he still has tons and tons of toys!!!!... but it now looks a little better... lets hope it stays clean.. ha ha....


One Happy Heart Family said...

OH boy Jessica what a great job!!! Oh and kudos to you for posting the "before" picture!! LOL Just one only gets WORSE and they get BIGGER!! Oh and more of them LOL I gave up on the boys room months ago.......Glad you have some umph to do it. Maybe I will be motivated :0)