Monday, November 8, 2010


I a bit behind...I know, Halloween was fun this year! Chase was a dinosaur, but on actual halloween, we went trick or treating at families he would not wear his costume, and he wanted to take Buzz Lightyear everywhere with him, so I called him Andy from Toy Story, Anyways, at work we dress up, and i was so impressed with everyones halloween costumes!!! We all look awesome! I looked horrible ha ha.. I dressed up as a 80's girl, I cant believe i found half of the stuff for my costume, Jason was an 80's rocker, he looked pretty amazing!!! ha ha... Hope everyone had a fun halloween!

here is the time he wore the dino costume at the trunk or treat.....

him and his craved pumpkin! and below is the one he painted!


One Happy Heart Family said...

That is freaking AWESOME!! I love your Halloween costumes!! You two are so cute and have such a fun time togeter!! Not to mention you have one of the cutest little boys in the world!! I still can't believe how fast time is going by!! I swear it was like yesterday you guys got married and had Chase!! It's crazy!!