So Chase and I got Haircuts (finally!) I love mine, it doesnt take me that long to do, and it seems like I actually style it now... My long hair was driving me crazy! My pic is somewhere in this pic mess.. (again I dont feel like fixing it) At least I am updating right! first pic my little photographer...the second one, well this is when I dont want to claim them.. ha ha kidding.. he was throwing a fit because I took the camera away for a second....he such a sweet boy I promise..:)Me and my Mommy on Mothers day.. I seriously look extra large and in charge....must be the angle! :)
We were all eating, and Chase excused himself from the dinner table to well I thought was to go play but he didnt make it very far! he passed out... poor boy.. he was tired...
Here is me and my new hair do! do you like? I dont care if you dont I love it! :)
Me Chase and My mom.... again not such a great angle... who is taking these anyway! ;)
so I had my Dr appt on Monday the 23rd, we were excited because we were finding out what we are having! Well the Dr, just kept saying until I finally just said well.....does the Hmm... mean I have 2? or what! and he said no, there is a shadow that is from the femur bone, that is causing me not to be able to tell what your having! So in my 2 pictures I got, one pic looks like girl, one looks like boy... so we really dont know!!! Seriously! I just want to know if I can go buy a pink or blue outfit! It's killing me! oh well next appt is my Target Ultrasound and so hopefully we will be able to tell.. but thats not until June 17th! aahh.. .the agony! Oh well.. the baby looks healthy and thats all that matters right now..(I guess :)) hope everyone had a wonderful May! It went by way to quickly!
Friday, May 27, 2011
And then there is May....
Posted by Jessica Bergen at Friday, May 27, 2011 1 comments
Oh there was April....
Ok so I know I am a little behind, I have been a little under the weather, this pregnancy is so different from my first one. I have been sick for the past 16 weeks! I am finally feeling better, I am now 19 weeks (almost 20! halfway!) and starting to feel like myself again! Here are some pics from April, I will post May next.....The first one is My grandma...(grandma silly is what Chase calls her) she recently had to be put in a home because of her Dementia (sp) so she cant live on her own, she calls my mom everyday, saying she needs a ride home from her luncheon at the hospital...but really she just ate lunch because it was lunchtime, and didnt want to go back to her room. hopefully things will start to settle better and she can relax...I love my Grandma Silly!
Chase and Daddy on the top (duh) with me and Chase next, this was Easter Morning...
Chase does love bathtime, when he actually gets in the bath for me... The little things that you think would be so easy are the hardest for him, like getting in the bath, bed time, sleeping in his own bed...seriously! Taking the bottle away was so easy, and so was the binky, now only if he would potty train! I really dont know what to do... he knows when he has to go, he just refuses to sit on the toilet!! he told me he would wear diapers in school....I told him no way...
These pics are all screwed up, oh well, I dont feel like fixing them... this is his Easter basket, I think the Easter bunny really spoiled him this year, and there were SO many Eggs!Here's Chase coloring his eggs, I think its time for a haircut!
This is the day we went down and celebrated oma and Opa's 50th wedding anniversary, in the pic, is Jason's Mom, his om-Mark (uncle who flew in suprising us all!) and his Oma, I love her oh so much!
Chase riding the bike down at his Omas house, he told me he needed to pose all cool... so here is his cool pose...silly kid...
Oh look there is the pic with all the EGGS! Im dont even kidding, both of those baskets were FULL of eggs, someone went a little overboard, I will say it wasnt me, I gave someone else the job on getting eggs, and candy...mmm...
I think that covers April, if I missed something I'm sorry... I havent been very good at taking pictures lately either...Hopefully I will get better....
Posted by Jessica Bergen at Friday, May 27, 2011 0 comments