Friday, May 27, 2011

And then there is May....

So Chase and I got Haircuts (finally!) I love mine, it doesnt take me that long to do, and it seems like I actually style it now... My long hair was driving me crazy! My pic is somewhere in this pic mess.. (again I dont feel like fixing it) At least I am updating right! first pic my little photographer...the second one, well this is when I dont want to claim them.. ha ha kidding.. he was throwing a fit because I took the camera away for a second....he such a sweet boy I promise..:)
Me and my Mommy on Mothers day.. I seriously look extra large and in charge....must be the angle! :)

We were all eating, and Chase excused himself from the dinner table to well I thought was to go play but he didnt make it very far! he passed out... poor boy.. he was tired...
Here is me and my new hair do! do you like? I dont care if you dont I love it! :)
Me Chase and My mom.... again not such a great angle... who is taking these anyway! ;)
so I had my Dr appt on Monday the 23rd, we were excited because we were finding out what we are having! Well the Dr, just kept saying until I finally just said well.....does the Hmm... mean I have 2? or what! and he said no, there is a shadow that is from the femur bone, that is causing me not to be able to tell what your having! So in my 2 pictures I got, one pic looks like girl, one looks like boy... so we really dont know!!! Seriously! I just want to know if I can go buy a pink or blue outfit! It's killing me! oh well next appt is my Target Ultrasound and so hopefully we will be able to tell.. but thats not until June 17th! aahh.. .the agony! Oh well.. the baby looks healthy and thats all that matters right now..(I guess :)) hope everyone had a wonderful May! It went by way to quickly!


One Happy Heart Family said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair cut!! Wish I would look that good!!! Geesh Chase is not a baby anymore, just a little man!! They grow up way too fast!!