Monday, October 10, 2011

October already!?

Yahoo! I cant tell you enough how excited I am that it's finally October! Baby Bergen #2 should be here soon! If I don't go on my own, the Dr said he will start me on the 20th. I have a feeling I will go earlier though! Lets hope this week! I am really shooting for the 12th, reasoning why, its my Brother Cory's b day.. and what a special day that would be! (he is my bro that passed away 3 years ago) I have been having contractions all day today so lets hope I am progressing! because I cannot go to the Dr being disappointed! ha ha... we shall See...We still have not come up with a name, we have a couple we have in mind, I think we will wait and see what he looks like, and then decide...
the two names we like are Cade & Alex. which do you like better?? Anywho...That is all... I should have done some maternity pics but I just don't care right now...I'm sure Ill regret it later...I will keep everyone posted!!!! Have a good week! or month...whenever I get back on here!

Oh and Happy Anniversary to my love! on Oct 4th we celebrated 4 years of happily marriage bliss!!! to many many more to come!!!! Love you babe!


Alicia said...

Good Luck Jessica! Sounds like he is close to getting here! Hope everything goes smoothy:)