So My little Boy turned ONE its so crazy! WE had a great birthday party for him he got tons and tons of presents... lots of clothes.. and lots of cars!!!!! he loves them he goes vroom vroom with them.... I was so shocked that he dove into the cake... he had nothing to do with it for his invitations.. anyways.. he dove right in.. but first he took every sprinkle off of the cake... its very funny!! well enjoy the pictures... there is alot of them...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Chase's 1st Birthday Party! (lots of pictures)
Posted by Jessica Bergen at Monday, March 23, 2009 3 comments
Labels: Chase
Friday, March 13, 2009
ChAsE is OnE!!!
So as of tomorrow at 3:04 am Chase will be one!!! I cant believe a year has gone by so quickly! It's so sad but happy at the same time! My baby boy is now a big boy!! (well I think he will always be my baby boy) Anyways... Its so weird to think that a year ago today I was in Labor.. ya I was in labor for about 16 hours!!! Shall we take a trip down memory lane.. .OK!... So I was suppose to get started on the 17th of March... so I had to have a checkup on the 13th to make sure we were good to go... well I was like a leaking faucet all morning before my Dr apt. so I the Dr checked me and said your fluid is low.. LET'S GO! Yes just like that! I was a little confused at he told me again.. Your having your baby today!!! So then I got so scared excited everything at once! I had to call Jason cause he was at work then he got all sorts of scared!!! So I checked in the hospital at 11:00 am.... and I waited and waited and waited... I was still dialated to a 3... I swear for hours and hours... well then the pain finally sunk in... and I finally got my epidural at 4:00 pm... he broke my water right before that....ouch that hurt!!! Anyways.. they also gave me the pit... so that would help the process this a little faster.. ok.. so now it is midnight... I am so mad cuz I am only dialted to like 7.... I was so tired!!!!!! Well about 230 am.. I felt alot of pressure so i called the nurse and told her to check me she was like oh boy there is your baby! and by 304 am and only 4 pushes he was here!!! FINALLY!... its so funny how I can remember this like it was yesterday... and it has been a year!... I am so thankful for this little guy in my life... he really has changed it for the better!! I never thought I could love someone so much instantly!!! He came in this world weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. a little thing.. And now he is a big boy!! OK well thanks for letting me tell you about my wonderful adventure with bringing Chase in this world! I am sure I will have tons of pictures up soon of his party!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Jessica Bergen at Friday, March 13, 2009 2 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
I love LOVE love this picture.. I say give mommy kisses and this is what he does!! Its the cutest thing ever! Just wanted to share with everyone!
Posted by Jessica Bergen at Friday, March 06, 2009 2 comments