Monday, March 23, 2009

Chase's 1st Birthday Party! (lots of pictures)

So My little Boy turned ONE its so crazy! WE had a great birthday party for him he got tons and tons of presents... lots of clothes.. and lots of cars!!!!! he loves them he goes vroom vroom with them.... I was so shocked that he dove into the cake... he had nothing to do with it for his invitations.. anyways.. he dove right in.. but first he took every sprinkle off of the cake... its very funny!! well enjoy the pictures... there is alot of them...


Lindsay said...

He is a cutie! I love first birthdays.... Such a big milestone! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh that was fun! I'm so glad you did it at the church! Plenty of room for all of us! It was cute watching him dig in to his cake! I still can't believe he is already 1! Where did time go? Joey and him are gonna be so fun together!

Pyper said...

What cute pictures of your little guy! Looks like he had a great 1st birthday :)