Friday, March 13, 2009

ChAsE is OnE!!!

So as of tomorrow at 3:04 am Chase will be one!!! I cant believe a year has gone by so quickly! It's so sad but happy at the same time! My baby boy is now a big boy!! (well I think he will always be my baby boy) Anyways... Its so weird to think that a year ago today I was in Labor.. ya I was in labor for about 16 hours!!! Shall we take a trip down memory lane.. .OK!... So I was suppose to get started on the 17th of March... so I had to have a checkup on the 13th to make sure we were good to go... well I was like a leaking faucet all morning before my Dr apt. so I the Dr checked me and said your fluid is low.. LET'S GO! Yes just like that! I was a little confused at he told me again.. Your having your baby today!!! So then I got so scared excited everything at once! I had to call Jason cause he was at work then he got all sorts of scared!!! So I checked in the hospital at 11:00 am.... and I waited and waited and waited... I was still dialated to a 3... I swear for hours and hours... well then the pain finally sunk in... and I finally got my epidural at 4:00 pm... he broke my water right before that....ouch that hurt!!! Anyways.. they also gave me the pit... so that would help the process this a little faster.. ok.. so now it is midnight... I am so mad cuz I am only dialted to like 7.... I was so tired!!!!!! Well about 230 am.. I felt alot of pressure so i called the nurse and told her to check me she was like oh boy there is your baby! and by 304 am and only 4 pushes he was here!!! FINALLY!... its so funny how I can remember this like it was yesterday... and it has been a year!... I am so thankful for this little guy in my life... he really has changed it for the better!! I never thought I could love someone so much instantly!!! He came in this world weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. a little thing.. And now he is a big boy!! OK well thanks for letting me tell you about my wonderful adventure with bringing Chase in this world! I am sure I will have tons of pictures up soon of his party!!!!!!!!!!!


Pyper said...

What a cute post! THat's soo great that your lil boy is 1 already. FOr some reason i never get tired of hearing peoples labor stories.. You'd think it would scare me away from having babies.. but it doesn't :)

Happy early birthday CHase!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jess, I can't believe my sweet little nephew is 1 already. :0( He is so stinking cute and getting cuter by the day! I will see you at his bday party tomorrow!