Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom and Bart

Well it was my Mom's and my Uncles Birthday on the 2 of August! they share the same birthday we call them the twins 5 years apart! It was alot of fun considering Bart moved to California like 3 years ago I believe to be a GM for the new RC Willeys down there! so we always have a fun party when he comes up to visit! Chase loved the cake! you can definantly tell in the pictures he had it EVERYWHERE!!!!! I can't believe summer is almost over.. We went swimming on the 4th (forgot camera) and that will probably be our last time unless we find some time to go! I am excited for Fall though! I love Fall!! Anywho...Hope you all enjoy!
Chase eating his hotdog and yummy food!
Chase and Gwen helping papa and grandma blow out their candles!
YUMMY CAKE!!! he had it everywhere!!!!!