Sunday, August 23, 2009

West Yellowstone!!

So we went to West Yellowstone with my parents last week.. Jason unfortunetly had to work out of town that week so he wasn't able to go.. But we had fun anyways... we went to this bear and wolf museum and chase looked at both and called them Kitties... it was funny.. HE did try and say Bear but he likes kitty better.... WE saw TONS of buffalo they were all over the road, one actually was in the middle of the road so traffic was stopped forever! Looking at all the pictures of Chase it is in deed time for a haircut... so hopefully next post will be of Chases new do!!!!

Chase sitting on the top of this cement wall.. he was so brave! he looks like he is 12 and doesnt want his picture taken...
Buffalo Buffalo!! or In Chase's words KITTY KITTY....
We were waiting for Grandma and Grandpa and Chase sat on this rock and waved hi and bye to ever car that drove by.. it was so cute!
MoRE Buffalo...
Cool old car that was pulled over to see the herd of Buffalo
I think this is so beautiful!
Chase's CHEESE FACE! he kinda looks scary... ha ha... but a very cute scary!