Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby update and birfday!

I noticed I never really have posted anything about being pregnant..just announcing it. I am 21 weeks right now. and feeling great...well most days, I still have some morning sickness..but what can ya do right?! I went to have my target ultrasound today and the baby looks fantastic! I got to find out what we are having and I cant be more excited. we were hoping for a girl, because we want to be done having kids, but I have always wanted 2 boys. So I was super happy with either one!
so.. here are some pics of the baby! Guess what we are having! ha ha...
I think the 3d 4d pictures are amazing! The Dr I had when I was preggo with Chase never did 3D at all, in fact I hardly got any pics of him from the ultrasound...So I was super happy with my new Dr. (I go to circle of life now) (who doesnt now adays! they are awesome!) he makes sure I get everything I want in a visit! The first pic is of the Babies Face sucking its arm. and the second is the whole body side...profile wise, and the last is its little legs! The funny thing is, Chase always had his legs crossed too! Anywho.. so my idea of how to tell people what we are having, is I am making MINI CUPCAKES and in the middle put frosting in them, and color them pink or blue... Ill let you know how it turns out!

I also had my birthday last week. I cant believe I am 27.. its so much closer to 30...Dunno why I am so scared to turn 30...I guess its just because that means I am really a grown up... It seems like just yesterday I turned 16 and ready for highschool, and now that my 10 year reunion is coming up next year.. its just crazy! Anywho.. Jason took me to tucanos for dinner with a couple of our friends, and then on Saturday he suprised me with a party... it was fun. I am so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life! I am very blessed! I didnt take much pics on my bday, I have been slacking in that area....bad... I must get back on it! especially with the new baby coming!. Anywho... this has been a really long post I apologize! Here is one or two pics from my bday!
Me and the Hubs...
me and my 2 besties! I love them so much!